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Welcome to

We are a network of over 100 community action groups working across Oxfordshire to make it a safer, fairer, greener, more sustainable place to live, work and visit. 

Together, we’re building an Oxfordshire with resilient and empowered communities, so that people and planet can thrive within ecological limits. Started in 2001, the network is the largest of its kind in the UK.


Our member groups work in their local communities organising events and projects to take action on issues including waste, transport, food, energy, biodiversity and social justice. 


Groups working on similar themes come together as part of our collaborate groups, working with other associated, like-minded groups and organisations to find ways to share skills and experience and to work together on common goals.


At CAG Oxfordshire we offer support, advice and expertise to help everyone work together.



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Our member groups span the county and work on a wide variety of issues. They welcome new volunteers and offer an easily accessible way of getting involved in climate action whether your interest lies in biodiversity, waste reduction, food surplus, community cohesion or active transport. To find a group near you take a look at our listings. If you’d like to get involved in some way, you’ll find all their information and contact details on their pages.

Membership HP

The network runs over 4,000 events per year, attended by over 80,000 residents, and  contributes nearly 100,000 volunteer hours to the county. Events range from repair cafes and seedling swaps to talks by leading activists and environmentalists. Everyone is welcome to join events, volunteer with a group or apply to join the network. 



The CAG Oxfordshire team provide free, day-to-day support to network members including advice on how to set up your group and develop projects, assistance with insurance, access to funding, communications assistance, training and skill sharing, access to resources and facilitating work with local and national government, while our collaborate groups connect members and interested external organisations and individuals working on similar themes to facilitate collective action.

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Alongside our core work, we develop and deliver projects that support our aims and values. Current projects include: 

  • Replenish to support residents of Oxfordshire to grow and cook nutritious food with zero waste.

  • The Library of Things and Repair Cafe's to support the circular economy and encourage repair and sharing over buying new.

  • Communities and Nature is supporting people in Oxfordshire to deepen their connection with nature

  • Owned by Oxford which is working to bring wealth and power back to Oxford Communties. 

  • Oxfordshire Nature Project is working with communty groups and parish councils to promote and develop  plans for nature recovery. 




We also send a newsletter to our network members and associates which goes out fortnightly on a Friday and  includes news from the network, useful resources and training aimed at those running a community action group.

If this would interest you plese check the box below. 

Sign up for the Network Update?

Thanks for subscribing!

CAG Oxfordshire is a co-operative - we're owned by our members. We are a community benefit society with charitable objectives.

We are registered as The Community Action Groups Project Oxfordshire Limited with the FCA, number 8117. 

CAG Oxfordshire benefits from a long-term partnership with, and core funding from Oxfordshire County Council

View our privacy policy to see how we look after your data. 

TELEPHONE: 07367 877 727

ADDRESS: Makespace, 1 Aristotle Lane, Oxford OX2 6TP

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • bluesky
  • LinkedIn

© 2025 by Webworks Studio for CAG Oxfordshire

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