A project working to bring wealth and power back home for local people and communities.
Oxford has a wealth problem. There’s no shortage of money in our city, it’s just not fairly distributed. And that’s a problem for everyone.
In partnership with Makespace Oxford, Solidarity Economy Association, Oxford City Council and Aspire, we’ve set up Owned by Oxford, a pilot project using Community Wealth Building to address inequality.
Community wealth building is a people-centred approach to local economic development. It reorganises local economies to be fairer. It stops wealth flowing out of our communities, towns and cities. Instead, it places control of this wealth into the hands of local people. Have a look at this video:
Owned by Oxford is all about redirecting wealth back into the local economy, under community control and for community benefit. Our aim is to grow locally led, community owned businesses that meet local needs and tackle Oxford’s inequalities. We’ll do this by integrating community economic development with the purchasing power and assets of larger organisations.
Oxfordshire Connects
Report on the community tech needs of Oxfordshire’s social action groups.
Over the past year, the Oxfordshire Connects project has been exploring ways to develop and improve the community tech that is available to Oxfordshire’s social action organisations in order to help them achieve their missions.