CAG Terms of Reference the common aims that are the root of our collective actions.
Becoming a CAG Oxfordshire member guide – for any community group or enterprise interested in joining the network this guide explains what we can offer you, what your contribution will be, and the process to become a CAG. (Please refer to this documentation but contact us for up-to-date information)
CAG Example Constitution – a draft example of a constitution for community groups to adapt
Setting up a bank account info for community and voluntary groups.
CAG Health & Safety Briefing and Template Risk Assessment – a guide for CAGs on how to ensure activities are safe including editable risk assessment templates
CAGs and COVID-19 – a guide for CAGs on how to run activities safely during the COVID-19 pandemic
CAG Accounts Template – a template to help CAGs manage their financial accounts
CAG Equal Opportunities Policy Template – a template to help CAGs produce an equal opportunities policy
CAG Safeguarding & Confidentiality Policy – an example document for your group to adopt in order to safeguard vulnerable people.
The CAG Project Overview to GDPR – a guide to help your group comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation. You can watch a recording of a webinar on GDPR for CAGs here.