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Community gardening, Community orchard, Repair hub

Cholsey’s Tomorrow was initiated by a group of Cholsey residents to raise awareness about climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. We started by showing the film ‘Tomorrow’ which led to public meetings on a range of topics from recycling to facts about global warming and alternatives to using pesticides. The group took over a derelict allotment area and created a community orchard with fruit trees and soft fruit bushes. This is attracting increasing attention from the community with offers of more plants etc, and volunteers are welcomed to help with the maintenance. With a glut of tomatoes we ran a very successful ‘surplus garden produce give-away’ and hope to repeat that this year. Two members of the core group joined the Parish Council and were instrumental in declaring a Climate and Environmental Emergency, and employing an Environmental Coordinator. As we emerge from lockdown we plan to continue awareness-raising by holding public talks, running a stall at the village horticultural show, and engaging with the community in any way we can. You can get in touch via the Facebook page

Location: CHOLSEY

Contact: TBC

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