Community hub
We are a group of Elmsbrook residents who have been running events on the Eco Town for 2 years. We collaborate with other local organisations to bring community events to Elmsbrook, including Little Lunch and Relove with Grassroots Bicester. We hold bi-monthly Elmsbrook Gardening group sessions where residents are encouraged to try Grow Your Own fruit & veg, as well as making bird houses/planters and general gardening activities. We manage the community gardens and allotments at Elmsbrook.
The aims of the group are:
To promote community cohesion across the entire NW Bicester Eco Town site through seeking to raise awareness of, and actively involve new residents in the Elmsbrook Community Organisation
To deliver community led events and activities
To work in partnership with A2 Dominion, CDC, and other local partners
To manage Community Assets for community benefit
To promote an Environmentally friendly, Healthy lifestyle
To set up and support subgroups within ECO, for example Elmsbrook Gardening group (EGG)