Education, Energy
Low Carbon West Oxford (LCWO) was set up after the summer floods of 2007 by residents concerned about climate change and local flooding.
It is a community-led initiative, working for net zero and a green, fairer future for all, encouraging residents to live more sustainably, and contributing to a more cohesive and resilient community.
We seek to work in an inclusive manner and ensure that everyone who lives and works in the area has a chance to participate in and benefit from LCWO’s projects.
Our Aims
support a fair transition to net zero (read about what ‘net zero’ means here on the blog)
help households make energy (and financial) savings
reduce traffic
promote the consumption of sustainable sources of food
reduce waste
provide information and support residents, and encourage them to
take action and share ideas
collaborate with other relevant local and national groups and networks
encourage local authorities and the government to do more to combat climate change
Our Co-ordinating Committee meets about 8 times p.a. in the evening, usually round a kitchen table, to discuss and take forward our plans. We welcome new volunteers – please contact us if you would like to be involved.
Location: OXFORD