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Biodiversity / Nature recovery, Community gardening, Community orchard, Trees

Oxford Conservation Volunteers is a voluntary organisation that has been carrying out practical work conserving the wildlife and traditional landscape of the Oxford area since 1977. The group organises work parties every Sunday (and some Saturdays) and undertakes a wide variety of nature conservation work. This can range from hedge laying to fence building; from tree planting to conserving chalk grassland habitats by scrub clearance. Some tasks are within the City, and some further afield.

Please take a look at the Events Diary on our website to see what we are doing over the next few months, and the Projects page to discover more what each type of conservation involves. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.

How to get involved:

Read the Frequently Asked Questions and join the Mailing List on our website.
No previous experience is required – we provide all the tools and training needed. All you need to bring is a packed lunch, old clothes and sturdy footwear.
Turn up at one of the mini-bus pick up points on Cowley Road and St Giles (details on the FAQ) or come directly to a task.
If you want to speak to someone about Oxford Conservation Volunteers then you can contact us by email.

Location: OXFORD

Contact: Tim

Address: None provided

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