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Mill Lane Community Garden Open Days

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

Mill Lane Community Garden Group were delighted to open their gates to visitors on the 26th and 27th of June, as part of Chinnor Open Gardens. A steady stream of people came to look around and chat with volunteers about plans for the garden.

Although still a work in progress, thanks to grants from a number of organisations including Chinnor Parish Council, donations from the public and a lot of hard work from a group of dedicated volunteers, the garden is beginning to take shape. The formal space in front of the fence has been planted with perennials and climbers and the natural hedging around the perimeters is settling in and beginning to show growth. The raised beds are bursting with a variety of vegetables and herbs and the soft fruits are starting to ripen.

Much of the site has been planted with wildflowers and native species with hedgehog holes to encourage our spiky friends to visit. Plans include hedgehog houses to encourage them to stay during the day, raise a family and hopefully overwinter. The bog area, including a natural pond, bee houses and bird boxes is flourishing. The aim is to create a natural and sustainable environment for all wildlife.

The next stage of development is the construction of growing pods on the left side of the plot to mirror those already completed. Workparties are usually on Tuesday and Thursday: 9-11am and Wednesday 10-12pm. When volunteers are on site, the gates are open – come along for a look around or a chat. Better still, bring your wellies and join in. he long term plan is for the garden to be open to all during the day, to pick the fruit and veg, observe nature or just relax in the sun and enjoy.

The group would like to offer a big thank you to everyone who has donated seeds, plants, tools, materials and cash. They have been blown away by your generosity. You can keep up to date by visiting the website: or their Facebook page. You can also still donate via our Go Fund Me page.



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