The Cultivate Community Van, is now available for community groups in the CAG network to use.
It is a short wheel based 3 seater van, insulated with roof rack and shelving with access from side and rear doors.
£20 DONATION for 4 hr block, no mileage but must leave completely full of fuel.
Hours of use: 7am – 10pm to respect residential noise levels around MakeSpace.
We are completely flexible on booking times, including keeping overnight, but call us to check availability. Call Simon for booking information on 07513 551922
NOTE: Van is usually NOT available Thurs 8am – 6pm, Fri 8am – 1pm, Sunday 7.30am – 4pm.
Things you need to know:
You must be over 25, have driven for 2 years and have no convictions for last 5 years, including any pending.
Van Diesel must only be used for social or domestic purposes within Oxfordshire – this is your responsibility so please call us for more information.
First time users need to email a photo of the front and back of your licence, plus a picture of you holding it! This is for insurance purposes and needs to be done before using the van. Email to
Keys will be kept in a combination safe located at MakeSpace. The code will be emailed to you and is changed weekly. Vehicle reg: OY10 XTK
Check the van before use to make sure there are no obvious problems, such as flat tyres, etc. When returning make a note of your mileage and any defects, such as warning lights, chips on windscreen, etc on the sheet in the van. It’s your responsibility to help us keep the van in good shape.
Fill the van with DIESEL before returning, even if you’ve only done a few miles. ‘Fill’ means putting in fuel until the pump cuts itself off, not just putting in what you think you’ve used – this keeps it fair for everyone. If you notice it’s not completely full when you pick it up, let us know. If the van is not filled up then the previous user will be charged £1.50 per litre.
Note the START and END mileage, etc in the book in the vehicle – this helps us get an idea of how the van is being used, when to service, etc.
Please ensure that both back and front are clean and free from rubbish when you are finished – give it a brush out if necessary so it’s nice for the next person.
If you have accident, you MUST call Cultivate immediately! Even better, drive carefully and don’t have an accident J Copies of the insurance documents are in the glove compartment. In the case of any accident that was your fault you are liable for the costs of repair and any excess.
By borrowing the van you are agreeing to the above.
You are borrowing the van not hiring it. Cultivate made the initial investment to buy the van for use and by the Oxford community sector as a whole and is not for profit. Any donation given is purely to help toward the cost of running the van. If your organisation can’t afford to give a donation towards the upkeep then please let us know and we’ll work something out.
Please give any donations within 7 days of using the van so we can keep track of everything – this can be cash or a bank transfer (S/C: 089299 A/C: 65525627) with reference: DONATION *your name*
100 bookings per year = £2000 which will make Van Diesel sustainable!
This means:
£700 insurance
£300 tax & MOT
£1000 into the kitty for repairs and put towards a new community van in 5 years.
Welcome aboard VAN DIESEL!
Drive safely and have fun!
Completely fill with DIESEL when you have finished
Leave the front and back clean and tidy
Put mileage on log book in glove box
Let us know immediately if there are any problems on
07513 551922 or 07704 769098
(Copies of insurance details and borrowing instructions are in the glovebox)