We’ve been overwhelmed by the positive reaction to the launch of our treescape opportunity reports service. As of April 22, we’ve issued just sort of 100 reports, 35 of which were for famers and landowners and 57 for parish councils. The map below shows the areas covered by reports for parish councils (in green) and farmers and landowners (in blue).

The reports include maps and data showing existing and potential locations for treescapes, the benefits that they could provide and where these benefits are “stacked”. In the words of one trial recipient “I can see that the report structure will have significant value for farmers and landowners.”
We have conducted interviews with many of the report recipients to answer any queries they have and to better understand what support they need.
One exciting opportunity is where the farmer and parish council report areas overlap. If both parties are keen on nature recovery, the chances of getting things done is higher. We are then hoping to bring councils and farmers together to agree on the changes they would like to see in their community.