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Responding to COVID-19 : CAGs, communities and trade

It’s been almost a week since the government announced a nationwide lockdown and over two weeks since community responses kicked into action all over Oxfordshire to support those pushed into vulnerable situations, including those in self-isolation, due to the spread of coronavirus.

We have put together and are continuously updating this document, with your contributions, to give guidance and information on how to respond to the pandemic in our communities and across the county. Help us to keep it up-to-date and relevant. We would like to hear from you so we can help with networking the right support to those who need it – what are your individual or organisational needs and how is your group responding to the pandemic?

Crowdsourced advice on COVID-19

Members of existing community groups like CAGs with experience of community work and local contacts, can be a really vital resources to support each other and others in your community through this difficult time.

Now is a time to rethink our collective work to support the health and resilience of our communities. This is a time to  respond more creatively, work more collaboratively, and adapt more effectively – where we can.

Whilst we’re all at risk of COVID-19, there are some people  who are more vulnerable and need greater support from the community. Mutual aid groups are being set up to coordinate care efforts for people who are self isolating, especially if they are part of a more at risk demographic including the elderly, disabled and people with other pre existing health issues. We’re also trying to offer support to those people who are feeling most isolated/anxious throughout the pandemic.

Small businesses and cooperatives are at particular risk during this time, including CAGs which rely on income from trade to survive. The governement is offering substantial support for businesses and we hope this will be enough to adequately support third sector organisations, social enterprises, cooperatives etc. Here is the guidance for trading CAGs, also being constantly updated. Please refer to it and contribute where you can. There is likely to be a need to harness support for trading CAGs through our network in the near future – so watch this space!

Communities safe and solidarity


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